Wednesday, September 05, 2012

30 Days of ABS: Days 4 and 5

Today marks the 5th day of your 30 Days of Abs challenge. Yesterday, I did not post a blog but I'm curious, did you stick with it? Did you do an abdominal exercise? I did.

I went to a Hot Power Yoga class where my teacher made us do some seriously tough ab exercises slowly, while keeping the integrity of yoga. So, that's today's challenge!

Lay down! Put your feet up in the your arms by your side.
Now, put your left leg down but DO NOT touch the floor! Let your leg hoover over the floor by two inches!
Put your arms behind your head.
Now, reach up and try to touch your (right)  knee! Do not move fast!
Do this six times.
Put your right leg down,  the same way your left leg is and lift your left leg.  Repeat what you did on the right side.

After one set, DO NOT put your feet down. Lift your legs in the air and rest for five breaths.

Now, keep your legs up and lift your torso, try to reach your feet. Hold it for one breath. Do this this six times. When your done, drop and rest for a count of two breaths.

Now... Lift your your shoulders off the floor.and lift your legs from the floor, pick your arms up too and let them hoover for a count of five breaths.

Tell me, how did you do?

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