
I'm Genevieve and welcome to the 37th Chapter of my life.

I believe in God, the Bible and I work everyday to be a good Christian. I make a lot of mistakes, but following Jesus' way isn't easy, so I'm learning patience with myself.

I'm athletic and love weight lifting, yoga, cardio/boxing, and swimming. I'm proud to be an employee at the YMCA at Lake Norman;  and to volunteer with Kadi Fit.
Yes, I'm a bit of a dreamer and I set my fitness goals high BUT  I am training everyday to reach those awesome goals and make my wild dreams come true.

I've competed in Fitness Atlantic in Boston, and Connecticut and at World Natural Body Building in Toronto.

I love to eat healthy. I have strong belief that we are what we eat and work on having an 85% clean, raw regime.  I've made a pledge to never eat at McDonalds or other fast food chains.

I love to take pictures of people, places and things.

I love thunderstorms, boat rides on Lake Norman (LKN), and I do like country music, Enigma, Dave Matthews Band, Rusted Root O.A.R Madonna, dance music and old time rock'n roll!

I'm a strong believer in helping others. I donate money to charities and volunteer my time when needed.

My favorite season is summer and I'll always hate winters.
I'm alive so I live my life to the fullest.

I've never been married and I don't have any kids.
I'm a proud aunt and I take my responsibility to be a positive, role model to my niece seriously. She's my weakness, my heart and my soul.