Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Looking Forward

It's that time of year again where everyone reflects on the past and looks ahead by making New Years Resolutions. I've written the year in review type of blogs plenty of times and this year, I'd like to do something different.
I don't want to write out a list of resolutions for the 2011 year; but I know that I have a few in mind that I'd like to mention.
This year I resolve to continue the journey I've started. I moved to Charlotte in the summer of 2010 with a game plan; I'm seeing the light and I'd like to get closer.
There are a few things that I need to work on that will help me reach my goals; for starters, I need to find consistency in my schedule and not waste so much time doing meaningless things like read everyone's tweets or status updates (for extended periods of time that is).
I like to be a productive person and I plan to continue to be that way.
I'm looking for a new place to work out. In October of 2010, I ran my first 5K; I'd like to run more and on Christmas day, I heard about a few marathons coming up in 2011. I love to stay active in a gym; weight lifting is my favorite sport but I also love yoga, it's so relaxing. I'm a fan of swimming, dancing and I like to take a few cardio classes as well as play sports from time to time.
I do miss my healthy lifestyle and I resolve to return to my old habits.

Personally, I resolve to stop feeling scared and nervous; I need to cure my shy streak. As an upcoming writer, especially one who wants to be more involved in NASCAR and Charlotte Lifestyles, I need to talk to strangers; the past few events that I attended I had the chance to meet some of my favorite drivers but because I'm shy I got as far as saying 'hello.' The next event I attend, I resolve to step up to the plate and offer more than a smile.
I resolve to not hang out with negative people and to not allow their negativity get the best of me.
I resolve to finish my script and to spend more time writing my story. There's a writers conference this February, there really isn't a reason for me to not attend.

In 2009, I named my blog, "In the Drivers Seat" because I had decided to sit in the drivers seat in the car of my life. I took a right turn last summer and I'm on a good road and even though there may be tough times ahead, as long as I stay focused and stay clear of the negative people in life, I'll be fine. I got through two tough years, it's in the past and behind me. No need to drive backwards.

So there you have it, I resolve to continue to be the best that I can be; to work on the shyness and to focus on accomplishing my goals.

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